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Unswaddling Pedagogy

by Annabella Cant Ph.D. (Author)

Unswaddling Pedagogy is a pedagogy that welcomes and releases the creativity, imagination, and all other meaning making qualities and capacities of young children. My intention is to address pedagogy as a way of being present with the child. Through my work, I am hoping to inspire teachers to be with young children in ways that would literally free everyone and everything involved in the relationship from activities, actions, experiences, and events that would restrict rather than encourage and guide children’s imaginative and creative ways of making meaning of the world.

This book is dedicated to educators, teachers, parents, and students that believe in the immense complexity of young children.



This original and stimulating book will make anyone reconsider what they think they know about early childhood education. Annabella Cant uses her own experience, as an individual and teacher, to bring vividly to life the experience of childhood and to show how we might better engage the imaginations of children in learning. The book outlines a new approach that challenges many of the taken-for-granted assumptions of present educational practice.

Dr Kieran Egan Ph.D.

This book has given me a new image of a child. It was one of the best textbooks I ever read through my educational life.

Behnaz Amazon comment

Wonder-Full Education

The Centrality of Wonder in Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum

For many children much of the time their experience in classrooms can be rather dull, and yet the world the school is supposed to initiate children into, is full of wonder. This book offers a rich understanding of the nature and roles of wonder in general and provides multiple suggestions …

Edited by Kieran Egan, Annabella I. Cant, Gillian Judson

In chapter ‘Wonder for sale’ Annabella Cant gives the stark contrast of where we are with motivating our students in their learning. She uses an example from the preface of a curriculum programme in Canada.

Annabella Cant believes the education system can be turned around and so presents her version of the above preface that demands teachers to look into the eyes of their students in order for the teaching to begin.

Dr Coleen R Jackson
Consultant Principal, Waverley Abbey College