Dr. Annabella Cant is a professor in Early Childhood Education at Capilano University, North Vancouver, Canada. In 2022 Annabella has been nominated by her university for the BCTLC West Coast Teaching Excellence Award. She has previously received the 2019 Teaching Excellence Award from Capilano University. She is also an invited keynote speaker to many ECCE conferences and events. Annabella is a member of the Academic Council of the Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture, and Education. She is also the initiator and editor-in-chief of the online journal: Childhoods and Pedagogies. She has been practicing ECCE since 1994; in 1999 she started opening her own childcare centres in Europe (her schools were dedicated to children with very diverse backgrounds and abilities). She collaborated with a number of orphanages and organizations and welcomed all children. Her newest publication, Unswaddling Pedagogy, is a book for educators and parents. Her new pedagogical lens—the Unswaddling Pedagogy—is inspired and fueled by the stories she has lived. Her passions are her family + puppy, running, building miniature houses, making jewelry for fundraisers and creating an inclusive world. 


Through my PhD research I am introducing the world to a new kind of pedagogy, a pedagogy born out of lessons I have learned from children and life; a pedagogy that has the potential to open up minds and hearts toward what is the most important in the complex educational web: children. My pedagogy is called UNSWADDLING PEDAGOGY.

Twitter: @AskAnnabella
Instagram: @AskAnnabella